School Years and Beyond

Oral health is a smart investment—we can prevent decay. The consequences of untreated decay include ER visits for dental pain and lost time at school and work.
Impact of Tooth Decay:
A national survey found that roughly 1 in 7 children ages 6-12 had suffered a toothache in the previous six months
Children with poor oral health were nearly 3 times more likely to miss school due to dental pain, according to a North Carolina study.
In a Los Angeles study, dental problems were responsible for about 1/3 of elementary school absences, among children from economically vulnerable families.
California teens reporting recent dental pain were almost 4 times more likely to have a lower grade-point average than their healthier peers.
Infections in the mouth can become life-threatening. A 2013 study examined nine years of data and found that 66 Americans had died from dental abscesses. And more than 61,000 hospitalizations were primarily caused by these abscesses.
Prevention pays off. The average cost of applying a dental sealant to a child’s permanent teeth—a practice that reduces the risk of decay—is roughly one-third the cost of filling a cavity.
The bacteria that causes tooth decay is a chronic condition that typically lasts into adulthood—with new costs and consequences.
Health equity is an issue for adults too. The CDC found that "over 40% of poor adults (20 years and older) have at least one untreated decayed tooth compared to 16% of non-poor adults."
It even affects national security. Defense department officials have called oral health "essential to readiness" of our military forces. The Army reports that more than 1 in 5 National Guard and Reserve soldiers required dental treatments before they could be deployed overseas for Operation Desert Storm. And a 2008 report revealed that 52% of new military recruits had dental problems that delayed their deployment overseas.
Poor oral health can affect adults' job prospects and social lives. CNBC reported that most employers "make instant judgments based on appearance, including someone’s smile and teeth.” A 2008 study found that people with missing front teeth were viewed as less intelligent, less desirable and less trustworthy than people with a healthy smile.
Dental disease is linked to broader health problems, including cardiovascular disease and strokes. Research has even linked poor oral health with Alzheimer's Disease.
A 2013 survey of Los Angeles residents with dental insurance found that 51% delayed dental care because of concerns about the cost.
Out-of-pocket spending for dental services—costs not paid by insurance—accounts for about 40% of all dental expenditures
The lifetime cost of treating one decayed molar ranges from $2,187 to $6,105.
Americans made an estimated 830,590 visits to hospital emergency rooms in 2009 for dental conditions that were preventable.
Prevention pays off. In most cities, every $1 spent on water fluoridation saves $38 in dental costs. Researchers estimate that in 2003 Colorado saved nearly $149 million in dental treatment costs because of fluoride in the public water supplies. And a Texas study revealed that fluoridation saved taxpayers $24 per child, per year in state Medicaid costs.